Fall Training - Session 2 (MS Advanced)
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - Thursday, October 26, 2023
from 5:45 pm - 7:15 pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Session 2 is dedicated to middle school-aged players and younger who have played at least one year on a club/travel team. We focus on basic and advanced fundamentals of volleyball to create a strong understanding of the game as well as develop and improve more advanced athletes.
Training in session 2 will include advanced serving skills, advanced passing skills, in-system and out-of-system defensive and offensive strategies, basic and advanced setting techniques, basic blocking techniques, proper eyework, correct technique and mechanics, and increased competition.
Session 2 is open to boys and girls and includes one or two scrimmage play dates with a local area club.
The goal for these players is to put them on the correct path to play at a higher, more competitive level during their school and regular club season. Many of our advanced athletes have earned their way to compete at USAV Nationals in the past three years.
Session 2 practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:45 to 7:15pm. Please arrive a few minutes early each day to warm up, and bring a closeable/sealable water bottle. We will provide volleyballs during practices. Contact Coach Chris if you have specific questions: pscvball@gmail.com
Location: Panhandle Elite Gym (left end of Winn-Dixie shopping center) Map link
Cost: $350.00 (Registration includes a PEVC practice shirt)
This program is now full. Please contact our club if you would like to be added to a waitlist for this program
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Panhandle Elite Volleyball Club3371 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 113
Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 map link »